
Links that I was going to post on Friday but forgot.

For scientists, moon rocks tell story of a young Earth
And not a young earth in the way you might think – Earth when it was young, billions of years ago. This is some pretty interesting stuff on how the Moon might have formed, and certainly does explain the compositional similarities between the Earth and the Moon.

New life-related geology beckons Opportunity rover
Basically, Opportunity found some clays, which are very indicative of the presence of water. On Earth, the major source of clay is feldspar being chemically weathered via water, so this is some pretty cool stuff. I think calling it “life-related geology” is going a bit far – all it really tells us is that there was probably abundant water. If we want “life-related geology,” I’m holding out for stromatolites.

Losing my religion for equality
Former President Jimmy Carter is made of awesome. If you didn’t already know that.

Backyard Science Experiment Reveals Grand Canyon NOT Carved by Floodwater
Just in case we needed more evidence. Very cool video.

Recent volcano eruption in Ethiopia causes surface displacement
In all honesty, until I read this article, I had no idea that Ethiopia was so incredibly geologically active. I’m not sure if that’s a result of me not doing enough reading, or that it simply hasn’t been widely reported.

10 Worst Evolutionary Designs
Shouldn’t that be, “10 Worst ‘Intelligent’ Designs”?

Hey Jupiter, Earth Gets Hit Too – Evidence For North American Cosmic Impact 13,000 Years Ago
Very interesting, since this impact might be connected to the disappearance of the Clovis people in North America, apparently. Though what I thought was the most interesting here was that the evidence came from the presence of microscopic diamonds, rather than disturbed strata or other gross evidence. Though I do wonder what else impact-related might be in that area, structurally.

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