I apologize for the terribly late post. Today was utterly atrocious; I set my alarm to the wrong time, and just in case I somehow could have teleported myself to the bus stop in the necessary ten minutes it would have taken before my normal bus showed up, it was snowing. A light snow. A snow that left the highways covered with significant amounts of no-this-isn’t-ice-it’s-just-a-bit-damp. So as you can imagine, traffic was at a standstill as everyone in Colorado realized that they hadn’t actually seen snow before, and that the best place to stare at it in rapt fascination was on the US-36 stretch between Westminster and Boulder.
Then I had a class project to work on this afternoon, because in this great state, we believe in adding insult to injury.
Whining done, I would draw your attention to this. It is quite possibly the greatest thing you will ever watch. And involves the most classic taste combination since someone got chocolate in their peanut butter: hand puppets and theoretical physics.