
Facebook? Bah, humbug.

I actually have a Facebook account. I just only log in to it when I’m extremely bored, because I’ve never had much use for it. And to be honest, while I do like everyone who I’ve friended, I also really don’t care what they’ve been doing in Farmville or Mafia Wars. At this point, I am seriously considering just deleting the account.

Aside from my general apathetic feelings toward Facebook, there’s also the privacy issues, as well as security and possibly even ethics problems. While I don’t feel as if much of this affects me personally (I don’t use any Facebook applications and about the only pictures I have are ones of my cats) it certainly doesn’t paint FB as an attractive place that I want to spend a lot of my internet time. Plus people I don’t even remember from high school keep friending me, and it’s starting to get a little creepy.

Considering how little I actually use the thing, I doubt this would be much of a blip on the radar. Maybe I’m just more of a Twitter girl.

Questions of privacy and fairness and seem to abound these days. I’m looking forward to when I can get an iPhone finally, but at the same time feel more than a little trepidation about, say, Apple being the gatekeeper for the iStore and all the concerns with the DRM as well. I’m not a sophisticated user of technology here; when I get a new toy, I’m basically stuck with what it can do when it comes out of the box because I lack the dedication and brainpower necessary forge my own path through the digital jungles. So it makes me rather nervous to know that by buying a product, I’m ceding a lot of control regarding what I can do with that product to the manufacturer. I recently got to see an iPad; it was sleek and shiny and I immediately wanted one.

It’s just that whiff of “Borg” that has me worried.

One reply on “Facebook? Bah, humbug.”

just fyi–you can block all of the farmville etc application posts so you don’t have to see them and can just look at the actual posts. I mostly like facebook because it’s so easy to upload video and pictures there and then everyone I like can see them. (Kat)

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