A bit more on Electron Boy – Major blub warning.
Neil Gaiman feels like a political football – and after reviewing the facts, I don’t blame him. There’s also a link from that post to the comments from a BoingBoing post about this. Cory Doctorow’s spot on as far as I’m concerned. I read over most of the rest of the comments, and man… I’m starting to think there’s really something to the conception that scifi/fantasty fandom has more than its fair share of entitled brats.
Doubt is cast on many reports of food allergies – I thought this was quite interesting, since I’ve been (quietly, since I’m not expert) doubtful about the perceived massive leap in food allergies in recent years. Mostly because a lot of it smells a bit… naturopathic1. Also, I found the bit about IgE antibody tests interesting, since I recently had one that showed some antibodies for shellfish and milk, though I’ve never been allergic to either of those.
1 – Money quote:
Because of the inflammation, the lining of the gastrointestinal tract can develop little openings that bits of undigested or partially digested food can pass through. This is referred to as “leaky gut syndrome.” When these particles enter the bloodstream, the body’s immune system recognizes them as foreign and attacks them. Thus, an immune response is initiated at this point, but it is still not identified as a true food allergy.
Partially digested food floating around in my bloodstream WHAT?