grad school

It’s hard to write with your brain full of snot.

I have a cold. In fact, the cold, the one that’s been slowly burning its way through the geology department. It got Dave (my fellow TA) last week, and my advisor, and one of the nice ladies from the office. To put it lightly, I feel like poop on a stick.

I somehow survived the second field trip today. Don’t ask me how. I think it’s entirely up to the wonderfulness that is TA!Dave, who came along to help do the driving and ended up running most of the field trip. Which I guess works out, since he’s done the field trip many more times than me. Joe was along yesterday and basically ran everything then, too. I only had a little bit to add about sedimentary rocks at that stop, but in all honest, from the perspective of mineralogy, sedimentary rocks are pretty damn boring. Today Joe was off seeing if he could salvage anything from his house… hopefully it’s not as grim as it sounds, but it’s hard to feel hope on the subject of wild fires. We actually caught a glimpse of the burn damage on the drive. The ridge we passed by was black with a few skeletal trees still clinging to it. The entire area looked like a shadow with clear skies overhead.

I think I may just not go in tomorrow, since I’ve only got a BS class in the later afternoon. And I’ve already canceled my office hours.

The real question is… will I get any writing done when my brain has been replaced with snot?

Also, I want to write a ranty thing about The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo – the book version that is. As a sneak preview, the intended title of the post will be: “The Inescapable Gravity Well Surrounding Mikael Bomkvist’s Penis.” Or something along that vein.

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