
Coming Soon to an Internet Near You!

Exciting times! I’ve signed two contracts in the last week, so I’ll have two short stories in print (of the real or digital variety) soon!

Transportation has found a home with Anotherealm. I’ll know when it’ll be appearing around Christmas, when they put up their new lineup.

The Falling Star will be appearing in Aurora Wolf’s New Fairy Tales Anthology. I don’t have an exact date on that either, though the publisher wants the anthology in print before Christmas. I’ll post as soon as there’s a firm date or when the anthology is available for purchase.

The long-suffering Isaac has finished his second go-through of Throne of Nightmares so my goal is to give it one last polish and start querying agents before the new year. Wish me luck!

3 replies on “Coming Soon to an Internet Near You!”

Congratulations on the publications and I’m glad that the publishers were intelligent enough to know good writing when they see it and look forward to reading it myself. *Misses getting to be a proof-reader and get sneak-peeks*

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