Photos of Pictures and Documents found after the April 27, 2011 Tornadoes
Words fail me. Tears don’t.
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After a breather and several kleenex, I think I’ve got a few words in me. It’s scary as hell, how much of these things are ending up 60, 80, even close to 100 miles away from their point of origin. Which really shows the terrifying force that nature is capable of – as if we needed another reminder this year after the Sendai earthquake.
It’s scaring me that there have been this many tornadoes, and this strong, and this early in the year already. Makes me wonder what the rest of the summer has in store for us. Makes me wonder what hurricane season is going to bring. And makes me wonder if we may be lining up for more years like this, considering one of the predicted effects of the current climate shifts is storms of greater severity. You know, the climate change that a horrifying percentage of Congress isn’t even willing to admit exists.
We can’t fight nature. In the end, nature wins. Nature always wins; it has more time, more power. We’ve got each other, though, and that shouldn’t be downplayed. And I was crying because there’s something indescribably sad about pictures torn and cast into the world by a storm, when you don’t know what happened to the people in those pictures – you just know that the person, the moment, was important to someone. But I was also crying because humans are amazing, though I wish it didn’t require tragedy to remind us of that fact.