
Just asking questions.

I would just like to note that this “just asking questions” crapwave about the unemployement numbers is driving me absolutely batty. Jack Welch (former CEO of GE) is the poster child for this one:

When Matthews asked him if he had any evidence to prove his assertion correct, Welch admitted that he did not.
“I have no evidence to prove that, I just raise the question,” he said.

The reason I’m headdesking so hard is that this is the exact same thing men who wear tinfoil hats and claim we didn’t land on the moon say. Well, I don’t have any actual evidence. I’m just asking questions. As if that makes it any less dishonest with a side of passive aggressive cowardice. (Since of course, hiding behind the claim that you’re just asking questions is a way to dump responsibility for making a ridiculous or laughable accusation.)

Asking questions is fine, when it comes with a mind open to answering evidence. “Just asking questions” is cowardice pretending to be inquiry. Bleh.

I would pay good money if someone with a bigger platform than me would baldly point out that Welch and his friends sound like they’re going to start disputing the moon landing and the fact that the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.

And speaking of questions, I’m having a horrible time with this assignment I’m working on. I’m the worst ever at coming up with research questions for proposals. Particularly because everything I’ve come up with so far is way too similar to my thesis research, and that’s not allowed.

At least I have my powerpoint done for my second interview. It’s a thing of beauty. So many pretty pictures.

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