
Support the arts! Form of: a British film documentary!

It probably goes without saying, but trying to have a career in the arts sucks. That was one of the reasons that compelled me to go back to school for geology instead of journalism, because there’s always that ugly little voice in your head that keeps reminding you that there is debt, and you have to eat, and to do those you need this thing called a day job. (And hey, if the day job turns out to be an awesome career all its own like looking at rocks professionally, I can’t complain, right?)

I can’t speak for other countries, but in the US money for artists is tight and only getting tighter thanks to the economy shitting itself. And art of all sorts is important. It’s ultimately about us and our relationships with each other, the greater part of humanity, and the universe as a whole.

I believe in giving when you can. Because some day, it will come back to you. I haven’t been able to give as much as I would like to a myriad of causes and projects while I’ve been a grad students because, well. Grad student. That’s going to change once I’ve started working.

And this project is number one on my list:

Dear friends,
I must assume you all have dreams, yes? Well, here’s ours:
We are attempting to make a documentary about the world of British Cinema. There’s more to it than just Harry Potter and James Bond, and we want to put a spotlight on it because it is a truly unique, but unfortunately, struggling, industry. However, we can’t do it without your help. Be a part of something truly great and help make a few dreams come true in the process. Any amount of donation and/or spreading word makes all the difference! Please check out our INDIEGOGO PAGE HERE, where we are campaigning to raise funds to make this documentary a reality. You can find tons more info about what we’re planning to do, how you can help and why the British industry is important.If we are funded successfully, we may just interview one of your favorite British actors or directors. We have a list, and it’s a pretty epic one. Check out the perks for donating. They include things like signed memorabilia from the interviewees, tickets to the premiere/after party for the documentary, your name in the credits or even an opportunity to contribute a question to one of the interviewees of your choosing. Even $5 helps. Or reblogging this entry. Or sharing the ‘IndieGoGo’ page on another social networking site like Twitter. Did I mention we’re on Twitter? You can follow us here: @BritishFilmDoc The smallest of effort from you – a short moment of your time – makes a world of difference to us. Again, here’s the LINK.
Thank you! 

I’ve already given my grad student pittance and have committed to significantly more once the real paychecks start rolling in. Why? Because I grew up watching a lot of British film and television. Because this is something I’d personally like to see. Because the people behind this project are awesome. And because helping other people achieve their dreams is a way to keep your own alive and well fed.

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