Christmas holiday music

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Christmas actually is my favorite holiday. It always has been. I grew up atheist, so for me it is all awesome dinners and family and presents and eating cookies until you collapse into crumb-covered torpor. I think I love it just a little more now that I’ve gotten to spend Christmas-time in the UK, even if my in-laws get me so drunk I don’t question wearing a silly paper crown until later when I’m looking at the pictures and wondering what is up with that again?

My favorite part of Christmas though, is actually the music. I think this is because I’ve been lucky enough to never work retail during this holiday, so it isn’t part of job PTSD for me. Though I will admit, hearing The Little Drummer Boy over and over on the radio one year kind of killed that one for me, not that I liked it that much to begin with. But here are my five favorite carols–they all also fairly uncommon ones, which is why I think the relentless creep of retail Christmas has spared them.

O Holy Night

Just something about “Fall on your knees! Oh hear the angel voices!” gives me chills, every time. Every time.

I Saw Three Ships

Holly Jolly Christmas

I think this one can be entirely blamed on the number of times I watched the claymation Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer as a kid.

Carol of the Bells

This has got to be one of my new favorite versions. Though I love it when sung as well. And it’s actually not the easiest song to find a good vocal arrangement on…

The St. Stephen’s Day Murders

Grandma Got Runover By a Reindeer ain’t got nothin’ on this song. I love it. I love it love it love it. I cannot manage to sing the whole thing through without busting out laughing. Maybe I just need to be drunker. (Hey kids, Christmas tip–if you give Rachael enough wine, she WILL sing this song. With a horrible fake Irish accent.)

ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Secret bonus sixth song, Song For Ten

I love this song with all my nerd heart.

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