
Flowchart: When is it acceptable to touch someone else’s hair?

hair flowchart

It’s been so many years since I had long hair and was subjected to random strangers touching it, I’d almost forgotten that this is a thing that happens. But I’ve been reminded in discussion, so here. I made this handy flowchart because apparently this is still a topic that leaves some people mystified.

5 replies on “Flowchart: When is it acceptable to touch someone else’s hair?”

One little old lady actually grabbed my (ass-length) hair and *pulled*. To see if it was real, I suppose. I couldn’t even think of anything to say to that one, just gave her the most incredulous look imaginable.

I have almost always had medium length to long hair, and it is rarely touched. Except once in a blue moon by close friends. It gives me that “I wanna flail my leg like a dog with a tummy rub” feeling. Though I think that if ever a stranger dared invade my personal space that way I would have to restrain myself from eye poking.

The chart is hilarious by the way. I get that way for textiles …

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