anthology writing

No Sh!t, There I Was: The Former Minion’s Support Group

As of this moment, we have two weeks left on the Kickstarter, with 279 backers and $1,248 left to go. We’re chugging right along. Just keep spreading the word around about the awesomeness from the ToC, and let’s make this book happen.

Speaking of the ToC, today’s offering is The Former Minion’s Support Group by Alanna McFall. This is a story that posits a universe where campy comic book supervillains with puntastic (think: old school Adam West Batman-style) evil plans are real, and so are the poor schlubs they’ve often abducted and forced to help them with their dastardly plots: the minions.

What makes this story stand out is that within the fun concept and nominally light-hearted villainy, there’s a real question about what this would do to actual human beings who have to deal with being minions. How badly would it mess someone up to be under constant threat of death by their overlord while attempting to train mind-controlled sharks how to sing a chorus of madness?

And that’s where the support group comes in. Underneath a slightly ridiculous veneer, there’s a respectful examination of trauma and coping mechanisms and recovery that we found remarkable.

This and the other stories on the No Shit ToC can be yours if you support the Kickstarter. Go, go, go!

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