anthology Uncategorized writing

Thank you, dear friends, THANK YOU.

No shit, we did it.

Some time as I was dozing in a cold medicine fog while being shot through the sky in a pressurized metal tube between Chicago and Houston, the Kickstarter finished, and we not only had full funding, but we hit all three stretch goals. So y’all are gonna get 24 stories that I love to pieces, plus a piece of line art to go with each story, plus I get to pay my writers more. This latter is incredibly important to me as someone who is also a writer. Any time writers in general get a bigger paycheck, I’m happy.

At this moment I’m finally home, fighting off the mucus demon that has taken up residence in my sinuses. My cats have gone from vengefully ignoring me to clinging, and half of everything I own is in boxes. This has been a crazy, incredibly stressful month (and over the next week as I get ready to move back to Colorado, it’s only going to get crazier and more stressful), so seeing this project of mine finish strong has been a welcome boost.

I’m stunned and ecstatic that 466 people wanted to support this book. Thank you. Thank you.

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