
It’s book day!

Hey, so I don’t know if you heard about this, but I kind of wrote this little book called Hunger Makes the Wolf and TODAY IT WAS RELEASED IN THE US AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

I mean my goodness, isn’t that beautiful? ISN’T THAT BADASS? And it’s a dead tree book, too! I’ve held it in my hands! I’ve listened in mingled horror and awe as my housemate read a book it took me six years to write in four and a half hours! IT’S REAL.

In my extremely humble opinion, you should go out immediately and buy a copy, which you will give to your best friend. Then buy another copy. You know. To spread the love. You can get the book at ACTUAL FOR REAL BRICK AND MORTAR BOOK STORES as well asAmazon and Barnes and Noble. Also! If you want your ebook to be of the DRM-free variety, head to the Angry Robot site.

Oh, and did I mention? IT’S AN AUDIO BOOK TOO!

AAAAAAAAAAA this is the most exciting day ever.

11 replies on “It’s book day!”

Congratulations! May it be but the first in a career that will fill multiple shelves!

Congratulations! Now that you are a world-famous author, what is next? Ruler of the Moon? Intergalactic Overlord? Becoming a Smurf?

I’m aiming even higher: Person Without Student Loans. I believe in dreaming the impossible dream.

I pre-ordered it when that was first possible, and I now wait eagerly for it to arrive, along with No Shit, from my other’s US address. It’s a hard wait!

Yay, I’m glad that you enjoyed it, and thank you for the kind words! I’m excited to see what you’ll think of the sequel. (Though I must ask a small favor – since we meet at worldcon, I’ve come out as queer and would prefer the pronoun “they” or ” he.” ?)

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