I should be in bed. I should be in bed. I don’t care. Curiosity is going to land so soon! We’re going to have a science lab on Mars!
If you’re not watching, YOU SHOULD BE.
On a day that’s been marked with tragedy and horror, we still do wonderful things. Humans built an amazing piece of technology and have slung it to another planet where it’ll land, and we’ll learn. Not for profit or posturing or attack, but because we want to know.
We’re going to be okay.
0014: “We’re receiving heartbeat tones, everything looks good.” People are clapping. Curiosity is about to wake up. I know we shouldn’t anthropomorphize, but it’s hard to not.
0017: Everything we’re hearing is out of the past. Darn you 14 minute delay! Darn you light speed, for being too slow!
0023: Two minutes to entry!!!!
0025: Started guided entry, we’re in the atmosphere! More applause!
0026: WE ARE PROCESSING DATA FROM ODYSSEY! Good old satellite!
0029: Parachute has deployed! Curiosity is decelerating!
0030: High fives! Curiosity is down to 90 m/s.
0031: Thank goodness for Odyssey!
0032: Down to 10m/s, sky crane has started.
So much cheering, hugging, clapping. I am just CRYING. Humans are fucking awesome. We built an amazing machine and slung it at another planet, and watched it land with another machine we built.
First picture, a thumbnail, blurry with dust. The dark shadow is Curiosity’s wheel. ON THE SURFACE OF MARS.
0039: Another picture!
High resolution camera! That’s the surface of Mars! She’s landed!
Humans are fucking awesome, guys. We’re awesome.
Here’s the one picture I missed:
Curiosity is casting a shadow in the afternoon sunlight! Go forth, brave little rover!
ETA at 0105: Raw images will be here.