colorado pictures

Convergence Station

Tonight my housemate and went down to Convergence Station in Denver. I have been aware that it’s a place that exists because, hilariously enough, I spent two days testing the subgrade and asphalt in the north parking lot when they were building it. It was one of the few places where the site super made me do an extra safety orientation even though I wasn’t going to be anywhere near the building. All I got told then was that it was “some kind of art installation.” And something about Meow Wolf being an artist collective. (Which is not quite true. An arts production company is not the same as a collective.)

Anyway, calling it an art installation doesn’t do it justice. I’ve also heard it framed as “like the Children’s Museum, but for adults.” Which is closer, because there are a zillion things that you can interact with, buttons to push and phones to pick up and dial and listen to various messages, even spaces to crawl into if you have better knees than I do.

What I wasn’t expecting was the story that came with it. There’s a whole sci-fi tale about the multiverse and memory sharing and a bad scientist who wants to enforce world peace by basically removing everyone’s memories… and I can’t even tell you the whole thing at this point. Because the part that grabbed me the most is this story is lore based, which means you wander through the installation and read little tidbits here and there (or occasionally remember phone numbers from different areas and then try to call them on one of the phones) and build more questions on the answer, which take you toward… something I haven’t figured out yet. This is exactly the kind of fictional primary source plus vignette catnip that’s made me such a dedicated follower of Destiny‘s lore. And both work because there’s a solid emotional story with a lot of mystery and space to theorize and enough bread crumbs to keep you following along.

Well played, Meow Wolf.

This first trip was about two hours, which was definitely not long enough to see everything. I also don’t think this is the kind of place where you should even try to see everything at once. It’s something that wants multiple trips, and slower explanation, and noticing new things every time you go to keep building the story in your mind.

Also if you’re me, about two hours is also all you’ve got into you before it’s total sensory overload and you go from THIS IS SO COOL to please there is too much noise and too many flashing lights just let me out of here.

This is also the most people I’ve been around in two years of the pandemic, and that probably contributed to my overload and rising claustrophobia level. I’ve never done that well with crowds, but what constitutes a “crowd” for my has apparently gotten a lot smaller these days. The only reason I was even willing to give it a whirl was that I had an N95 to wear, but it’s not something I’d feel comfortable doing again soon.

Which is a shame because I wanna go look at everything again. And I want to take all my friends so we can look through things and all find different tidbits to share with each other.

Soon, I hope. Soon.


Your jealousy tastes like sweet cake.

I am so lucky I have a housemate who loves cooking. Because then when I find an old recipe and want to translate it to modern cooking instructions, she’s willing to test it out for me. And then magic happens.








The only thing sweeter than your jealousy is THIS CAKE.

(Recipe will be in the forthcoming Captain Ramos collection and the SFWA cookbook. SOON MY PRETTIES. SOON.

Seemed like a perfect thing to do after watching Chef.

geology pictures

Geology photos for you…

It’s been a long, long weekend. I am only slightly sunburned, but my brain has melted. Have some photos:

Core photos:
Orchard Core
Almond Core

These are the two cores that were the final project for the facies analysis class I took last semester. Lots of pretty sands and muds.

Snowmastadons – these are pictures I took of some of the fossils recovered in Snowmass. I had the privilege of seeing them while I was at the Bighorn Basin Coring Project meeting at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. The pictures really don’t do these amazing remains justice. For more information, please see the Snowmastodon Project at DMNS. There are a lot of absolutely amazing pictures of the dig site and more fossils there.

The Amazing Kung Fu Adventure in Moab – the Shaolin Hung Mei Kung Fu School went to Moab this Memorial Day weekend to perform at the Moab Arts Festival. While we were there, we spent a few hours at Arches, and I got some beautiful pictures. I love Moab so much.

feminism geology pictures

What I’ve been doing lately…

It’s been a busy week… couple of weeks… month… well, from about January on. But I’ve been doing things with my time, at least.

For example, today I went to Denver, CO’s Rally for the American Dream. With 3000 of my fellow Coloradoans – including my husband and my parents – I was in good company indeed.

We did a lot of cheering, a lot of chanting. There were maybe ten or twenty “Tea Party” counter protesters. One of whom wandered around in the crowd and tried to start trouble with his bizarre “Can’t get a taxi? Blame the Dems” and “Shame on Colorado Dems for Voting for an African” signs. He was completely ignored by the crowd, and then the cops chased him off.

The IAFF was out in force, as were a lot of other union people – and ordinary citizens. At the end of the rally, the Walk for Choice took off. A lot of us joined in, since it’s another important thing to support. We walked from the capital to Writer Square and back, shouting chants like, “Not the church, not the state, women must decide their fate!”

At the end of the Walk for Choice, there were maybe ten crazy anti-choice people waiting at the capital, on the other side of the street. It was standard “OMG THE BABEEZ” bullshit. It was also the most surreal moment of the afternoon – there was a very odd old guy with the anti-choicers, holding a very standard sign in one hand. His other hand was raised in a fist and covered with – I swear I am not making this up – a sagging latex mask of Ronald Reagan. Overcome by just how bizarre it was, I shouted across the street, “Dude, you’ve got a severed head on your hand!”

So yeah. The disembodied zombie head of Ronald Reagan doesn’t want you to have an abortion. Or something. Weird. Eerie.

I have also been putting a lot of time in at the core lab. If you want to see what’s been eating up most of my spare time, here are some pictures from our current core, which is from a meandering river deposit. I’ve tried to add some description to the photos, and hopefully it’s not too technical.

Busy busy!

backyard geology igneous stuff pictures

Finally, pictures!

I finally got off my butt and uploaded the photos from my two field trips. I was intending to get a flickr account, but didn’t feel like resurrecting my old Yahoo e-mail address. So let’s try Picasa and see how it works!

Field trip 1
Field trip 2

These are all the photos I took of the field trips. I’ve put captions on most of them, so hopefully they’ll be clear. And all of this stuff is less than a day’s drive from Denver!I do have all the photos from the Moab field trips I did a year ago, so I’ll try to get those together soon.