climate change science

Dr. Hansen’s climate change paper: scarier than any horror story I have ever read

Decided to look at this due to this NYT article: Scientists Warn of Perilous Climate Shift Within Decades, Not Centuries. I actually started talking about this on twitter, but decided to go with blog because it looked to be getting lengthy and I want to quote.

Bless Justin Gillis, who wrote this article, by the way. Because:

Virtually all climate scientists agree with Dr. Hansen and his co-authors that society is not moving fast enough to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, posing grave risks.


Yet many of the experts remain unconvinced by some of the specific assertions that were made in the draft paper, and they have not all been persuaded by the final version.

“Some of the claims in this paper are indeed extraordinary,” said Michael E. Mann, a climate scientist at Pennsylvania State University. “They conflict with the mainstream understanding of climate change to the point where the standard of proof is quite high.”

Among Dr. Hansen’s colleagues, some of the discomfiture about the new paper stems from his dual roles as a publishing climate scientist and, in recent years, as a political activist.

Looking at the actual field controversy instead of the manufactured bullshit not-controversy presented by deniers that’s normally sought out for balance. (And also fair to note that Dr. Hansen’s activism does make him stand out. Personally, I’m all for what he does in that arena.)

And it’s fair, because Dr. Hansen is making a pretty big claim. You can get his paper here: Ice melt, sea level rise and superstorms: evidence from paleoclimate data, climate modeling, and modern observations that 2 °C global warming could be dangerous

The abstract alone is well worth reading and I think understandable by non-scientists. (Though if you’re not sure about something, feel free to ask.) The big claim he’s making is right here:

Continued high fossil fuel emissions this century are predicted to yield (1) cooling of the Southern Ocean, especially in the Western Hemisphere; (2) slowing of the Southern Ocean overturning circulation, warming of the ice shelves, and growing ice sheet mass loss; (3) slowdown and eventual shutdown of the Atlantic overturning circulation with cooling of the North Atlantic region; (4) increasingly powerful storms; and (5) nonlinearly growing sea level rise, reaching several meters over a timescale of 50–150 years.

None of the points are revolutionary in terms of current climate science, as far as I know. What makes this a big deal and controversial is the timescale that they’re citing.

Our study germinated a decade ago. Hansen (2005, 2007) argued that the modest 21st century sea level rise projected by IPCC (2001), less than a meter, was inconsistent with presumed climate forcings, which were larger than paleoclimate forcings associated with sea level rise of many meters.

That’s the rub, this disagreement with the IPCC assessments. The IPCC reports basically represent the consensus on climate change, so going outside of them is arguing with the consensus. That doesn’t mean it’s wrong, just that (as Mann is quoted as saying) there’s going to be a really high standard of proof. Here’s what the most recent IPCC report (AR5) said about sea level rise:

Global mean sea level will continue to rise during the 21st century (Table 2.1, Figure 2.1). There has been significant improvement in understanding and projection of sea level change since the AR4. Under all RCP scenarios, the rate of sea level rise will very likely exceed the observed rate of 2.0 [1.7–2.3] mm/yr during 1971–2010, with the rate of rise for RCP8.5 during 2081–2100 of 8 to 16 mm/yr (medium confidence). {WGI SPM B4, SPM E.6, 13.5.1}

Sea level rise will not be uniform across regions. By the end of the 21st century, it is very likely that sea level will rise in more than about 95% of the ocean area. Sea level rise depends on the pathway of CO2 emissions, not only on the cumulative total; reducing emissions earlier rather than later, for the same cumulative total, leads to a larger mitigation of sea level rise. About 70% of the coastlines worldwide are projected to experience sea level change within ±20% of the global mean (Figure 2.2). It is very likely that there will be a significant increase in the occurrence of future sea level extremes in some regions by 2100. {WGI SPM E.6, TS 5.7.1, 12.4.1, 13.4.1, 13.5.1, 13.6.5, 13.7.2, Table 13.5}

So basically, at 8-16mm/year, the IPCC is predicting something more like +0.8-1.6m of sea level in 100 years. Dr. Hansen’s “several meters” is a big jump from this. (The findings in AR5 are generally much more moderate relative to all of Dr. Hansen’s points.)

Moving on to the rest of the paper…

Good that they used the IPCC forcing data, since that does make their simulation results much more readily comparable to prior results. The fewer factors you change between simulations, the better the comparison showing the factors that were changed.

We use these concepts in discussing evidence that most ocean models, ours included, are too diffusive. Such excessive mixing causes the Southern and North Atlantic oceans in the models to have an unrealistically slow response to surface meltwater injection. Implications include a more imminent threat of slowdowns of Antarctic Bottom Water and North Atlantic Deep Water formation than present models suggest, with regional and global climate impacts.

If true, that’s really not good. (Basically, modeling climate response is incredibly hard already because there are so many moving parts. But if this is true, that would indicate a huge inaccuracy in current models, which Dr. Hansen’s group claims means that all projected responses to factors like freshwater input are way too slow.)

Skimmed all the nitty gritty about the simulation specifications because to be honest, it went over my head.

The big driver of their conclusions is how they’re modeling meltwater:

Freshwater injection is 360 Gt year-1 (1mm sea level) in 2003–2015, then grows with 5-, 10- or 20-year doubling time (Fig. 5) and terminates when global sea level reaches 1 or 5 m. Doubling times of 10, 20 and 40 years, reaching meterscale sea level rise in 50, 100, and 200 years may be a more realistic range of timescales, but 40 years yields little effect this century, the time of most interest, so we learn more with less computing time using the 5-, 10- and 20-year doubling times. Observed ice sheet mass loss doubling rates, although records are short, are 10 years (Sect. 5.1). Our sharp cutoff of melt aids separation of immediate forcing effects and feedbacks.

We argue that such a rapid increase in meltwater is plausible if GHGs keep growing rapidly.

(Note: GHG=greenhouse gas)

There’s the rub. Buying any or all the conclusions means you have to buy the exponential meltwater projection.

Temperature change in 2065, 2080 and 2096 for 10-year doubling time (Fig. 6) should be thought of as results when sea level rise reaches 0.6, 1.7 and 5 m, because the dates depend on initial freshwater flux. Actual current freshwater flux may be about a factor of 4 higher than assumed in these initial runs, as we will discuss, and thus effects may occur 20 years earlier. A sea level rise of 5m in a century is about the most extreme in the paleo-record (Fairbanks, 1989; Deschamps et al., 2012), but the assumed 21st century climate forcing is also more rapidly growing than any known natural forcing.

Arguably not a bad assumption. I just about shit myself when I realized how much faster humans were putting carbon into the atmosphere than whatever mechanism (I’m still on #TeamGeologicalFart) caused the PETM, which is basically the geological poster child for atmospheric carbon-forced rapid climate change. (Rob did the math here, looks right to my eyeballing and I currently don’t have my papers to check.)

They did some simulations with all factors but freshwater input controlled to characterize the change. (Also to allow comparison to their Eemian dataset, since the Eemian had a steady amount of greenhouse gases.) Basically, looked at the amount of freshwater it would take to shut down the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC–that thing that helps keep the temperatures in the UK mild) and how that would effect climate once that happened.

The AMOC shuts down for Northern Hemisphere freshwater input yielding 2.5m sea level rise (Fig. 10). By year 300, more than 200 years after cessation of all freshwater input, AMOC is still far from full recovery for this large freshwater input. On the other hand, freshwater input of 0.5m does not cause full shutdown, and AMOC recovery occurs in less than a century.

And this is a very scary thought here:

A key Southern Ocean feedback is meltwater stratification effect, which reduces ventilation of ocean heat to the atmosphere and space. Our “pure freshwater” experiments show that the low-density lid causes deep-ocean warming, especially at depths of ice shelf grounding lines that provide most of the restraining force limiting ice sheet discharge (Fig. 14 of Jenkins and Doake, 1991). West Antarctica and Wilkes Basin in East Antarctica have potential to cause rapid sea level rise, because much of their ice sits on retrograde beds (beds sloping inland), a situation that can lead to unstable grounding line retreat and ice sheet disintegration (Mercer, 1978).

Basically, even though they were simulating an influx of very cold fresh water, it actually caused heating in the deep ocean due to density differences–saltwater is denser than freshwater because of the salt. And if you make the deep waters warmer this could have bad effects on the stability of the remaining ice sheets.

Moving on to the storm predictions, this too requires that you find the exponential meltwater projection to be reasonable.

Our inferences about potential storm changes from continued high growth of atmospheric GHGs are fundamentally different than modeling results described in IPCC (2013, 2014), where the latter are based on CMIP5 climate model results without substantial ice sheet melt.

The conclusion is basically if the meltwater does what Dr. Hansen thinks and shuts down the AMOC, an increase in severe weather is strongly implied.

Increased baroclinicity produced by a stronger temperature gradient provides energy for more severe weather events. Many of the most significant and devastating storms in eastern North America and western Europe, popularly known as superstorms, have been winter cyclonic storms, though sometimes occurring in late fall or early spring, that generate near-hurricane-force winds and often large amounts of snowfall (Chapter 11, Hansen, 2009). Continued warming of low-latitude oceans in coming decades will provide a larger water vapor repository that can strengthen such storms. If this tropical warming is combined with a cooler North Atlantic Ocean from AMOC slowdown and an increase in midlatitude eddy energy (Fig. 21), we can anticipate more severe baroclinic storms.

Yowza. Predicted increase in severe winter storms rather than hurricanes/cyclones, as most people probably imagine when it comes to thinking about severe weather.

Section 4 of the paper is a discussion of the Eemian climate as a dataset. The Eemian wasn’t driven by atmospheric carbon input like today; what makes it interesting is that it had very similar temperatures to our modern world, but sea levels that were at maximum 6-9m higher than those of today–rapid rise due to freshwater input from melting glaciers. The geologic record can and does preserve evidence of storms, so…

The storm activity in the Bahamas during the Eemian dropped 1000t “megaclasts” (read: boulders)  onto the landscape of the time.

…some of the largest boulders are located on MIS 5e deposits at the crest of the island’s ridge, proving that they are not karstic relicts of an ancient landscape (Mylroie, 2008).

That’s… sure something. (Though in fairness, it has been argued that these boulders might be from a tsunami deposit, though Dr. Hansen obviously disagrees with that in his paper.)

The ability of storm waves to transport large boulders is demonstrated. Storms in the North Atlantic tossed boulders as large as 80 t to a height C11m on the shore on Ireland’s Aran Islands (Cox et al., 2012), this specific storm on 5 January 1991 being driven by a low-pressure system that recorded a minimum 946 mb, producing wind gusts to 80 kn and sustained winds of 40 kn for 5 h (Cox et al., 2012). Typhoon Haiyan (8 November 2013) in the Philippines produced longshore transport of a 180 t block and lifted boulders of up to 24 t to elevations as high as 10m (May et al., 2015). May et al. (2015) conclude that these observed facts “demand a careful re-evaluation of storm-related transport where it, based on the boulder’s sheer size, has previously been ascribed to tsunamis”.

brb, shitting pants.

Late Eemian sea level rise might appear to be a paradox, because glacial–interglacial sea level change is mainly a result of the growth and decay of Northern Hemisphere ice sheets. Northern warm-season insolation anomalies were declining rapidly in the latter part of the Eemian (Fig. 26a), so Northern Hemisphere ice should have been just beginning to grow. We suggest that the explanation for a late-Eemian sea level maximum is a late-Eemian collapse of Antarctic ice facilitated by the positive warm-season insolation anomaly on Antarctica and the Southern Ocean during the late Eemian (Fig. 26b) and possibly aided by an AMOC shutdown, which would increase warming of the Southern Ocean.

Oh, that’s interesting. Basically, dating of when temperatures began to fall by looking at the “insolation anomalies”–looking at when summer insolation was no longer enough to prevent ice sheet formation, indicating the move back into a glacial time period–looks like cooling and ice sheet generation (at least in the northern hemisphere) started while sea levels were still going up. Dr. Hansen interprets this as showing that the southern hemisphere was still getting hit with positive insolation, and coupled with freshwater-induced AMOC shutdown, that would keep the ocean warm in that area and promote further ice sheet destruction and melting.

I really recommend that everyone gives section 4.2.2 of the paper a read. It’s a very well-written explanation on the role that CO2 plays in the determination of the Earth’s climate.

Section 5 is where we get to the meet of Dr. Hansen’s argument as to why we should be modeling the meltwater input as nonlinear to exponential rather than linear.

Empirical analyses are needed if we doubt the realism of ice sheet models, but semi-empirical analyses lumping multiple processes together may yield a result that is too linear. Sea level rises as a warming ocean expands, as water storage on continents changes (e.g., in aquifers and behind dams), and as glaciers, small ice caps, and the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets melt. We must isolate the ice sheet contribution, because only the ice sheets threaten multi-meter sea level rise.

Dr. Hansen goes on to argue that we should accept the data we have for sea level rise (pre-1900 estimates of 0.1-0.2 mm year-1 rise, tidal gauges 1900-1990 indicating a 1.2+-0.2 mm year-1 rise, satellites from 1993-present indicating 3 mm year-1 rise) should be accepted as they are and understood to indicate a distinct acceleration in the rate of sea level rise. Here’s the figure from his paper:


Which is a scary looking line, to be honest, though my geologist sensibilities quail at calling anything less than a thousand years a trend. (Tough. We don’t have 1000 years.)

Dr. Hansen follows with the mass loss data for Greenland and the Antarctic, noting that both rates are accelerating as well, though noting there is currently not enough data (only 10 years worth) to infer a doubling rate or confirm exponential ice loss. (Which is what the most alarming findings of this paper hinge on.)

I’d also encourage everyone to read through the conclusions, since they act as a good summation of what Dr. Hansen’s said in the rest of the paper. But particularly chilling:

A fundamentally different climate phase, a “Hyper-Anthropocene”, began in the latter half of the 18th century as improvements of the steam engine ushered in the industrial revolution (Hills, 1993) and exponential growth of fossil fuel use. Human-made climate forcings now overwhelm natural forcings. CO2, at 400 ppm in 2015, is off the scale in Fig. 27c.


Our analysis paints a very different picture than IPCC (2013) for continuation of this Hyper-Anthropocene phase, if GHG emissions continue to grow. In that case, we conclude that multi-meter sea level rise would become practically unavoidable, probably within 50–150 years. Full shutdown of the North Atlantic Overturning Circulation would be likely within the next several decades in such a climate forcing scenario.


First, our conclusions suggest that a target of limiting global warming to 2°C, which has sometimes been discussed, does not provide safety. We cannot be certain that multi-meter sea level rise will occur if we allow global warming of 2 C. However, we know the warming would remain present for many centuries, if we allow it to occur (Solomon et al., 2010), a period exceeding the ice sheet response time implied by paleoclimate data.

And he makes a very good point here:

Second, our study suggests that global surface air temperature, although an important diagnostic, is a flawed metric of planetary “health”, because faster ice melt has a cooling effect for a substantial period.

The climate system is incredibly complex, and yeah, you could melt all the glaciers and it might actually depress global temperatures for a while, which would be a point of curiosity for everyone fleeing the drowned coastal cities, I’m sure. I suppose temperature has become the focus because it’s a solid, small, easy to understand number. (Though trust me, I’ve heard people expressing their confusion as to why 2°C is such a big deal because come on, there isn’t that much of a difference between 23°C and 25°C, etc.)

Third, not only do we see evidence of changes beginning to happen in the climate system, as discussed above, but we have also associated these changes with amplifying feedback processes. We understand that in a system that is out of equilibrium, a system in which the equilibrium is difficult to restore rapidly, a system in which major components such as the ocean and ice sheets have great inertia but are beginning to change, the existence of such amplifying feedbacks presents a situation of great concern. There is a possibility, a real danger, that we will hand young people and future generations a climate system that is practically out of their control.

Well, that paper was scarier than any horror movie I have ever seen.

I’d like to know what other objections scientists in the field have (modeling methods, maybe?), though the big sticking point is if you can buy that glacial melting is accelerating and looking to be exponential. (And if then, the big meltwater input is going to have the effect that these scientists modeled.) The biggest problem is that there isn’t enough data, and waiting around for that data would mean that by the time we have it, it’d be way too late. So that’s… great.

But it comes back to the point that we’re better off believing in this case that it could be way worse than we previously thought. I’d argue that overestimating the threat and over-responding would do less long-term harm to humanity and the planet than underestimating. We’ve already admitted that the way we keep dumping CO2 into the atmosphere is bad–but no one wants to do anything substantive about it. How much scarier does it have to look? How many more warnings do there need to be?

Dr. Mann, as quoted in the NYT, sums it up:

Even scientists wary of the conclusions of the new paper point out that Dr. Hansen has a long history of being ahead of the curve in climate science. As Dr. Mann put it, “I think we ignore James Hansen at our peril.”

(This was a long fucking paper and I’m a geologist with a little oceanography background, not a climate scientist. If I missed something important or got something wrong as I read, please tell me!)

Read this: Response to the paper at ICARUS. This very concisely goes over some of the major criticism.

conspiracy theory science skepticism thinking out loud this shit is fucked up

Pop culture matters, and education, and history, and…

On the way to Dallas for ConDFW, I started reading (listening to, actually) The Shock Doctrine: the Rise of Disaster Capitalism. The book is a great read if you want a reminder of how we actually shouldn’t be in the slightest bit surprised about all the gross shit that went down surrounding our invasion of Iraq (we’ve been training for it since the 60s, really) or that the free market should never be considered a magical unicorn that farts healing rainbows.

But there’s one particular detail in the book that’s sticking with me. One of the first chapters includes quite a bit of information about the CIA’s MKUltra program, including a conversation that Klein had with one of the program’s victims. You’ll note that I’ve just linked to Wikipedia for this, because that’s a decent enough overview. And if you try to just google MKUltra and go past Wikipedia and Rationalwiki, you will find yourself in deep in the bad parts of crazytown with no idea how you got there.

There are a couple reasons this is still niggling at me and sticking with me. First off, MKUltra was a deeply fucked up, horrifying thing. The government of the United States, through the CIA, basically paid scientists to clinically research torture. And Klein does an excellent job connecting the dots of that basic research to a whole load of incredibly awful, inhumane practices that have happened ever since, up to and including the “enhanced interrogation” (translation: torture) of detainees in recent years. And then there’s this asshole, Donald Ewen Cameron, who was the person who perpetrated torture on the woman to whom Klein spoke, including extended sensory deprivation, medically-induced near constant sleep, and electroshock therapy, rendering her incapable of remembering pretty much the first 20 years of her life and putting her in constant pain until this day due to persistent microfracturing in her spine from all of the convulsing she did while being shocked and going through induced insulin seizures.

And then you consider that this man was involved in examining Rudolph Hess during the Nuremberg trials (including testifying that he wasn’t insane) and then somehow went on to torture his patients in an attempt to remove their personalities entirely so he could create better ones for them. I’m still trying to wrap my brain around this particular dichotomy.

These details are all fascinating in a horrifying way.

But then there’s the fact that I actually had heard of MKUltra before. Fairly frequently. It actually gets pop culture shout-outs regularly. The first mention I can recall is in the X-Files, but it regularly gets mentioned with two purposes:

  1. To denote that the person mentioning MKUltra is a serious paranoid conspiracy crackpot who might be on to something nonetheless
  2. To trot out the fact that the US government apparently paid researchers to get people high on LSD.

Point number one is kind of hard to avoid when a cursory search yields mostly results that involve pop stars and how their behavior is obviously a sign they’ve had the MKUltra treatment done to them. And that then makes you feel weird about even trying to have a serious conversation about this, because I started talking about creepy CIA shit and spontaneously generated my own aluminum foil hat, stop looking at me like that.

And point number two honestly has the effect of reducing the entire thing to a punchline. Up until I learned more about this particular subparagraph of horror in the 10 volume set of Shitty Things America Did in the Last Century, this treatment of MKUltra had me filing it in the same part of my brain as the Stargate Project and research that I parroted dismissive talk about back years ago when I was a Republican (eg: “They spent a hundred thousand dollars and researching how fruit flies have sex! What a waste!”) and didn’t get that basic research is not only a thing, it’s an important thing. The CIA got people high on LSD, what a waste of money, amirite? Except we’re not talking about giving a bunch of college kids a few tabs of acid just to see what happens; we’re talking about doses of LSD and PCP and weird cocktails of uppers and downers administered with the specific purpose of trying to completely destroy someone’s personality and sense of self.

Which isn’t funny in the slightest.

So this bothers me. It bothers me that I just sort of consumed this bit of pop culture presentation without thinking more critically about it. And it also bothers me that something brutal and fucking horrible that the United States government perpetrated on innocent people—in this case innocent people with psychiatric problems who then had those problems made exponentially worse and in many case ceased to be able to function independently afterwards—is basically a dismissive punchline. And I don’t think it’s even something that’s being done willfully; apparently when the ugly facts of MKUltra came to light, the thing the media latched on to most was the line about LSD. So I’d imagine that it’s something writers remembered hearing about without looking into it more deeply, and used it as a throw-away reference, and then the next generation of writers picked it up and it’s just become a meme.

Kind of like that fucking ‘humans only use 10% of their brain’ bullshit that I wish we could just kill with fire but it’s got a life of its own now too just because it’s been repeated so many times.

This circles back to a weird and uncomfortable place for me, because I’ve gone on record before saying that I don’t think it’s the responsibility of movies/tv/etc to get science right. I’d rather have a good story even if that means bending the rules—though I do also think that it’s goddamn lazy writing when people just can’t be arsed to even check. Particularly when hewing closer to the facts would actually make for a more interesting conceptual framework than the lazy bullshit you pulled out of your ass, which happens often. And I still do hold to my position that if we’re looking to the movies to be educational vehicles, we’re fucked anyway because we’ve failed our schools and therefore the kids in them so badly.

But on the other hand now, this is a place where I got skunked by something that wasn’t quite true and didn’t take it upon myself to look any deeper. Which is mostly on me, but also feels like a failure of writing. It does show the power of pop culture to shape perception in very subtle ways, and makes me wonder what else I’m missing the gross (perhaps literally) detail on because it just doesn’t even seem that important when it comes up.

And it also does feel like an educational failure. Not that I think all children should have to specifically learn about MKULtra and Donald Ewen Cameron (gosh, want to make sure kids will never want to trust a psychologist again ever?), but this is one more little, tinkling horror in the giant black bag full of pustule-laden zombie demon clowns that is modern American history. I don’t know how it is currently, but we spent plenty of time learning how shitty the US government was to the Native Americans (very important) and then sort of… glossed over the rest with a sense of well yes, the civil rights movement happened and now black people can vote and isn’t that awesome, and there was the Cold War and things got a bit grim and the Cuban Missile Crisis wasn’t really a thing to be proud of but it’s all better now, right? Go America!

When in fact, the more I learn about recent history the more I’m horribly, horribly unsurprised about everything that’s gone down since 2001.

I don’t really have a good answer for any of this. I’m still thinking it through. I mostly just want to register how very disturbed I feel about… everything, right now. If nothing else, this is a harsh reminder about the importance of not only what you say, but how you say it. And at the least I’m going to try to take this as a lesson to be more mindful about knowledge I’ve picked up as a meme rather than via research, and just take the time to at least use the damn Google. For all that we have so much knowledge at our fingertips, it’s still frighteningly easy for something to get distorted so out of shape that it doesn’t even seem like it’s worth a second look.

geology science

Still life with trilobite section

I’m back I’m thin section heaven at work, slaving over a hot petrographic microscope and continuing my second listen to the Vorkosigan saga audiobooks. (Excellent, by the way.) And I saw something a bit like this today:


Out rather, a bit like the portion marked with a T. A trilobite! Or rather a cross sectional cut through the carapace of one. I wish I could show you a picture of my actual thin section because it was way prettier and had the more characteristic hooked W shape. But I like that whole having a job thing so, no. Sorry.

But this is why it’s cool and why I love geology. Something like 340 MILLION years ago, a time so distant in the past that my brain can’t really comprehend it as anything other than wow a long fucking time ago, a little trilobite was hanging out on a shallow marine shelf. Because there were trilobites back then (and realize that no human being had ever seen a live one, we missed them by hundreds of millions of years). And this little trilobite presumably had an awesome trilobite life and hung out with his or her little trilobite friends and then one day died. Waves swept the little guy further out to sea, where he was given a proper burial in carbonate mud and…

Over three hundred million years later, met me.

I’m looking at a piece of rock that was the bottom of a tropical sea in the distant past long before biology every got around to even thinking of primates, key alone drinks involving little paper umbrellas. And I get to touch that. Every day I get a tiny window into an Earth alien to the one we live on now.

And that is why geology is cool.

Plus volcanic lightning because fuck yeah.
Eyjafjallajökull by Terje Sørgjerd


And this is why research funding is important.

Lack Of Up-To-Date Research Complicates Gun Debate – which is to say there’s not a lot of good, current public health research about violence and mortality as it relates to guns because congress has, over the years, basically prevented it using funding restrictions.

I hate this politicization of research funding. It goes beyond gross, beyond lying to win an argument, and somewhere into the realm of wicked. You can’t make good decisions without good facts, without knowing what the world actually looks like. And defunding research because it’s going to tell you facts you don’t like is an act of contemptible, willful ignorance. Science isn’t there to give you easy answers or make you feel good about yourself and your dearly held beliefs. (You listening, creationists? Of course not.) It’s there to tell you what we’re pretty sure is reality and then you get to figure out how to go from there, better armed with knowledge.

I’m glad this hasn’t happened broadly to climate research in the US yet, though obviously some people sure wish it would. But at least something like climate change is a global issue, and there are many institutions outside of this country with an interest in tackling it, so the science could still continue, if hobbled. 
Defunding the research of uniquely American problems leaves us blind. And I guess leaves people free to make up whatever facts suit them. 
But Rachael, asks my little gun-loving straw man, what if this research proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that guns don’t kill people, they actually just shoot out teddy bears and baby smiles and make you lose weight and spontaneously lower all carbon emissions?
Then I’d change my fucking mind about guns and buy a small armory. Because sometimes being wrong is painful, but I’m a grown-up and I can deal with it. 
I wonder if, say, Wayne LaPierre could say the same thing. 
You know what would be great? If we could have some research and find out.
education movie science

Bad Movie Science (2)

So on Friday, I risked getting my geek card taken away by saying that, for the most part, I don’t care if the science in a movie is bad so long as it tells me a sufficiently good story. This was a point I tried to make at one of the Mile Hi Con panels I was on, actually. And at that panel, someone in the audience asked a very pertinent question – but don’t you think it’s the responsibility of a movie to present good science?

No, actually. I don’t.

But people see things in movies and think they’re true! What about all of the stupid shit about 2012? And so on!

The responsibility of a movie, as I said before, is to tell me a good story and make sure I don’t leave the theater feeling like I just got fucked out of the $10 I paid for my ticket.

Movies are supposed to entertain, not educate. And I think most of us are damn glad for that. While I enjoy a good episode of Nova as much as the next person, you’ll notice that’s not where my primary consumption of media lies.

If someone goes into a movie and comes out with the misconception that the world is ending in 2012 or geologists wear white labcoats or exposing someone to a lot of gamma radiation is going to do anything but kill them, I frankly do not consider that the fault of the movie. I consider it a fault of the education that person received, and to a lesser extent the fault of media that actually has the responsibility of being truthful rather than entertaining.

Critical thinking skills have always gotten short shrift in education, and in the US that’s only become worse with the advent of No Child Left Behind and the emphasis on gross skills such as reading speed uncoupled from the ability to process and critically assess what has been read. (Because those things are much harder to assess with a standardized test, I suppose.) Teaching kids science (something that low income schools particularly struggle to do), how to tell good data from bad, how to tell who is an expert who probably knows what they’re talking about and who is just some jackass that the local TV station dug up in the pursuit of false balance would go a long, long way to closing that gap.

And that’s not even touching on things like, say, the Texas GOP platform attacking the teaching of critical thinking skills.

The problem is not that a movie includes a ridiculous scene where the spaceships make noise and turn like airplanes instead of spaceships. The problem is that the audience lacks the necessary basis to question the truth of that statement.

And frankly, fixing this problem has nothing to do with requiring those who make their living in the arts to hew to scientific fact and never deviate. (We won’t even touch on the question of how the hell you’d begin to enforce that, free speech issues, etc.) Ultimately, enforcing scientific fact through the arts still does nothing to fix the base problem. You are still presenting entertainment as a fact that should be accepted unquestioningly upon its consumption by a passive audience.

The real answer is simple to state and difficult to execute. We need to teach people to think critically and question and understand the difference in data quality depending upon the source. We need to stop pretending that education is only about reciting times tables and reading X number of words per minute.

We need to stop failing the education system and the kids who rely upon it.

Because yes, it is us failing the schools, not the other way around. It’s us refusing to pass bond issues, and us obsessing about standardized testing, and us not paying attention to who the hell we’re electing to the board of education for our county or state, and us allowing political affiliation to interfere with objective scientific truth, and even some wacky part of us actively fighting against teaching kids how to even think to begin with.

Us. We did this. Not the people who make movies.

geology grad school science

What I did with my day.

Today I turned this:

Into this:

Using these tools:

…four times. Six to go. And then they’ll be ready for XRF analysis, which will tell me what mean annual precipitation was in that location nearly 54 million years ago. 
This is the exciting part of science they never show you in the movies.