Team Loki is officially registered for the Buffalo Bicycle Classic in Boulder, Colorado on September 9. It’s a charity ride where all the net proceeds (~$60 per person) go to scholarships for students at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Which is, not coincidentally, my school.
Currently we’re a team of two on the 35 mile ride – my brother and I. (We’re only doing 35 miles out of deference for the fact that my bro is insane and only has a single speed bike.)
If you’re in Colorado and would like to join us for the ride, there’s still plenty of time to register. To register as part of the team, click through to the “Select Categories” screen and pick the “Buff Classic Team Rider” button. Team Loki is in the existing team scroll down list. Our password is: hiddlesisourking
The 35 mile start time is 0900, so we’ll be meeting up then to ride together. If you decide to join in let me know so we can make sure to meet up! Should be a fun time, and I’m not just saying that because there is beer at the end!