You may have noticed, but I have a lot of feelings about geology in world building. I have an MS in Geology fro the University of Colorado at Boulder, with an emphasis in Sedimentology. (I’ve also got thesis work in paleoclimate and 11 years in the oil and gas industry under my belt.) I’m available to consult about world building, analysis of maps, and other geology-related questions. I’m also happy to provide basic geology education and resources. To discuss your project and rates, feel free to drop me an email at aackswriter at gmail dot com.
Freelance Work
I’m always looking for freelance work, particularly editing or script writing. Previous freelance work of note:
- Scripts for Six to Start’s Superhero Workout Game
- Story Treatments for Scifutures
I have a screenwriting certificate from the UCLA extension and am competent with Final Draft. Additionally, I have experience editing a short fiction anthology, as well as freelance work editing short stories and novellas. As someone with an MS in Geology, I’m also familiar with scientific writing styles and have constructed multiple presentations for audiences of varying expertise levels. I’ve done proofreading, line editing, and content editing. Rates are negotiable depending on the project, but a good assumption is that I’m looking for $50/hour.
Please contact aackswriter at gmail dot com.