
Biweekly(?) writing update #1

Okay, we’ll see if this is going to be a thing. An awful lot of writing stuff seems to be happening to me these days. This covers a bit more than a week, though–just everything that’s happened in my awesome writing life since the last update on July 31.

  1. I have sold a story to Lakeside Circus for their first issue! This is my new record for fastest acceptance ever, at 16 hours. From their post is sounds like issue #1 will be coming out at the end of NOvember. And that issue #1 is currently only about 1/4 full, so if you’re a writerly type you might want to check that out. They pay $.01/word.
  2. Blood in Elk Creek has a cover! Isn’t it purty? The next adventure of Captain Ramos (aka: Captain Ramos is a giant pain in the ass to someone) will be out on 9/6, so less than a month away.bloodinelkcreek-500
  3. The Ugly Tin Orrery was reviewed by Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam of Short Story Review. Spoiler: she liked it. The fact that she enjoyed it when she has previously not liked steampunk fills me with the sort of glee I normally reserve for puppies.
  4. In other Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam love stories, Comes the Huntsman also made it to her list of top 10 fairy tale short stories on SF Signal.
  5. I well be participating in the Broad Universe Rapid Fire Reading at Worldcon! The reading is at 10 AM on Sunday you should come see me.


  1. I’d like to try start getting some guest blogging going. If you’re interested in putting a post of yours in this modest little space, I’d be happy to have you (WITHIN REASON). Just drop me a line on twitter (@katsudonburi) or at katsuhiro at gmail dot com.
  2. My ravenous ego demands more reviews, because the first two have been so awesomesauce. MORE REVIEWS I SAY. If you have a book review blog or column, I will make it rain digital ARCs for you. Or, you know, politely send one to your inbox all while showering you with kisses from across the internet.