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	<title>cuban fury &#8211; Alex Acks: Sound and Nerdery</title>
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		<title>[Movie] 4 movies I saw on the plane</title>
		<pubDate>Wed, 20 Aug 2014 19:37:00 +0000</pubDate>
		<category><![CDATA[a long way down]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[cuban fury]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[jack ryan: shadow recruit]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://katsudon.net/?p=3483</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[I&#8217;m back from the UK. This means I&#8217;m unfortunately in Houston again. The less said in regards to how I feel about that situation, the better. (It&#8217;s been nice to see my friends at work, though! And do some geology! So that&#8217;s positive.) Anyway, quick comments on the four movies I saw on the flights [&#8230;]]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>I&#8217;m back from the UK. This means I&#8217;m unfortunately in Houston again. The less said in regards to how I feel about that situation, the better. (It&#8217;s been nice to see my friends at work, though! And do some geology! So that&#8217;s positive.)</p>
<p>Anyway, quick comments on the four movies I saw on the flights to and from the UK.</p>
<p><em><b>Cuban Fury</b></em></p>
<p>I&#8217;d been wanting to see this one for a while, because it involves Nick Frost, and I love him to pieces. It was cute, and funny, and there was a lot of very enthusiastic salsa dancing in it, which just made me look forward to when I can start dancing again. It had some pretty formulaic rom-com boy gets the girl at the end tropes that I really could have lived without, including Julia (Rashida Jones) being incredibly dense about both a mix tape and the fact that Drew (Chris O&#8217;Dowd) was intensely gross and creepy. I think the only thing that really bothered me about the movie was Chris O&#8217;Dowd playing a note perfect gross, creepy, sexist dude and everyone just sort of&#8230; turning a blind eye to everything he did and taking it. Probably because it was so uncomfortably reminiscent of real life.</p>
<p>This movie wants to be <em>The Hunger Games</em> so desperately that it gets kind of embarrassing to watch, really. It runs into the same dystopia problem as <em>The Maze Runner</em>, in that there&#8217;s a kind of fun concept that completely falls apart when you have to even superficially explore why in the hell anyone would have thought it was a good idea to run a society like that in the first place. At least <em>The Hunger Games</em> manages to get past that superficial level of thought on the politics and sociology, which is necessary because the story is all about political machinations. Unfortunately for <em>Divergent</em>, the fun concept runs aground on Kate Winslet trying desperately to deliver a believable villain speech that boils down to &#8220;we have to kill you because reasons, okay?&#8221; When it&#8217;s not trying to clumsily justify why the super special &#8220;divergents&#8221; are dangerous to the poorly constructed society, it&#8217;s a fun enough movie.</p>
<p><em><strong>Jack Ryan: Shadow</strong> <strong>Recruit</strong></em></p>
<p>Starring Chris Pine&#8217;s intense blue eyes and Kenneth Branagh&#8217;s embarrassing attempt at a Russian accent. There&#8217;s a kind of exciting scene wherein Chris Pine kills someone in a bathroom. But it probably says a lot about where this movie fell on my personal spy-fy foodchain that I lost interest completely after the bathroom murder and decided I&#8217;d rather just write porn on my airbook instead.</p>
<p><b><i>A Long Way Down</i></b></p>
<p>I decided to watch this movie just because I recalled it being mentioned in <em>Empire</em>. Glad that I did. For a movie that&#8217;s ultimately about suicide, it&#8217;s incredibly funny, and with the awkward sort of humor that I tend to love. Brosnan&#8217;s character gets a little hammy at times, I thought, but the others were complex and interesting and incredibly well played. I cried twice as well, and not for the reasons the summary would make you expect. I think the biggest winner of the cast was Toni Collette, who played Maureen. She&#8217;s the least outwardly neurotic of all of the characters, but I think her story had the most emotional meat to it, which was well-served by the quiet way she played the character. Boy, when Maureen smiles, you can really feel it, because of that quiet reserve she has most of the time. I definitely recommend this movie.</p>
		<post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">3483</post-id>	</item>