I am the fuck in the UK, near Maidstone to be more exact. Want to know what I’m doing? Read more about day one here!
Tag: travel log
I just realized I should probably record this on my own personal blog as well, since y’all might be interested in this and, I don’t know, not following me on Twitter. (Seriously, why are you not following me on Twitter? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?)
From October 13-25 I was in London. Me being in the UK is not actually that unusual, considering that I have in-laws and friends there, and now I have money since huzzah I am no longer a grad student. However, this time I was over in London to work. But not geology work–no, it was to work on filming forĀ The Reel Britain. We filmed 15 interviews and 4 red carpets in the time we were there, as well as other footage in London, so as you can imagine we were busy.
Want to find out more? I blogged almost daily:
This was honestly one of the most incredible experiences of my life. I’m lucky to have had it, and glad to share it.