[Worldcon] Main WSFS Business Meeting Liveblog 7

PLEASE NOTE: My profound apologies in advance to anyone whose name I missed or misspelled. If you stumble across this blog and would like me to correct it, please just comment! People are still filing in and dealing with the sign up sheet, so it’ll be a few more minutes before we get started. I’ll ...

[Worldcon] WSFS Preliminary Meeting: Motions, motions everywhere. 4

1011: Meeting called to order, committee is introduced, ground rules noted. 1014: Going over the agenda for the preliminary business meeting. There are no constitutional amendments up for ratification this year. 1016: No objections to following agenda as stated. 1017: The YA Hugo has been withdrawn. Unanimous consent asked to withdraw that motion. Objection–the YA ...

[Worldcon] The WSFS Business Meeting: How the F*** Does It Work? 1

Normally I don’t bother putting my notes online until after the convention because I’d rather be going to more panels and taking more notes, but I wanted to put this up immediately because I consider it important and there weren’t a whole lot of people at the panel. And while I’m sure a lot of vets ...

Available for Pre-Order: Blood in Elk Creek

Coming 9/6/13: Blood in Elk Creek – This is the longest novella I’ve written to date – 36K words of adventure, mystery, and snark for Captain Ramos, Colonel Douglas, and a horse named Dolly. And if you’ve been wondering about the Infected, they’re coming for you now. I’m really excited to share this one with you guys and ...

Elysium 2

Finally, finally saw Elysium. Glad I did. As scifi movies go, I’m honestly fairly pleased with it. Elysium was directed by Neill Blomkamp, the guy who brought us District 9, and it’s easy to see the thematic similarities between the two: haves and have-nots, segregation, abuse of power. District 9 was very much about Apartheid, however. Elysium goes more toward the ...

The World’s End

The Worlds End is the final installment of the “cornetto” trilogy written by Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg. It’s a satisfying end to a set of fabulously hilarious movies. I don’t make any secret of the fact that Hot Fuzz is my favorite movie ever. (Or as I like to call it: the greatest movie ...

Biweekly(?) writing update #1

Okay, we’ll see if this is going to be a thing. An awful lot of writing stuff seems to be happening to me these days. This covers a bit more than a week, though–just everything that’s happened in my awesome writing life since the last update on July 31. I have sold a story to ...

I Hate Tipping 1

I really wish we’d just get rid of tipping in restaurants and go to paying servers an actual, living wage. I haven’t been a fan of the practice ever since I went to other countries where tipping isn’t the norm or isn’t the main source of income and saw that it’s something that actually works. ...

So you wanted to know about my research?

Now you can read the whole enchilada for free! It’s a steamy but heart-wrenching story about a river and the course of its life as the world heats up and the mammals become ever tinier and more cute. Sandstones! Siltstones! Mudstones! Who will be swept away next? Will I need dental work from all those ...

Byzantium 1

“It is still a fact that the day you are born is the day you are most likely to be murdered.“ There is a lot from Byzantium that sticks out in my mind, but that line is perhaps the strongest. I’m not even certain why, but it feels right when you roll it up with the rest ...