Fluvial response to tectonic activity

Lunch today was quite fun; we had a “lunch and learn” that involved a lot of really tasty brownies and an hour-long talk by John M Holbrook. It was for the most part a general overview of the surface process quirks of meandering rivers and how those affect their usefulness as reservoirs. Most basically, oil ...

Rapture Ready

I recently checked Rapture Ready: Adventures in the parallel universe of Christian pop culture out from the DPL branch near my workplace. The copy that I got had a different cover on it than what you see on that website; it was white, with a candy necklace on the front – except this candy necklace ...

From Science: Climate Change and the Integrity of Science

Over at Science There’s a letter with a veritable laundry list of signers regarding the recent (and not so recent) unconscionable attack on climate science by the media, politicians, and others. It’s very much worth the time it takes to read. We also call for an end to McCarthy-like threats of criminal prosecution against our ...

Thoughts from a future petroleum geologist 4

Maybe some of you are tired of seeing this picture already. You know what? Tough shit. You should tattoo this picture on the inside of your eyelids. This image should haunt your dreams. Every time you fill up your gas tank, you should think about this. Every time you hear some moronic politician of any ...

Mars Geomorph Porn

There’s a lovely blog post over at The Planetary Society explaining a couple of images from IAG’s Planetary Geomorphology Working Group’s May 2010 featured images. This is some cool stuff, since it’s very much connected to the ongoing “water on Mars” debate, and the geomorphological argument has to do with water leaching minerals over a ...

Local: I fear for the future of education in Colorado 1

SB10-191 (“Ensuring Quality Instruction Through Educator Effectiveness”) has passed the Colorado state senate and moved on to the House education committee. This is another bill in the tradition of “blame the teachers if students fail.” I realize that mediocre and downright bad teachers exist. We’ve all had them in the past and can remember them ...

Just went I thought you couldn’t sink any lower, Cuccinelli

First, there was Cuccinelli and his anti-gay dickery. Then he jumped on to the healthcare reform lawsuit band wagon. Then he let us all in on his nipple phobia. Oh Ken Cuccinelli, is there no nuttery you will not force me to look at an say, “…seriously?” And now he’s after a climate change scientist. ...

Fun with colors 1

xkcd did a survey of what people called different colors and has now posted the results. It’s all pretty funny, for a variety of reasons, so you should read the post. I was actually surprised that there wasn’t really that much of a difference between what men and women called the various colors. And that ...

Terry Pratchett on Doctor Who

Terry Pratchett has written an interesting guest blog post about Doctor Who, and I have to say that I pretty much agree with him. And not just because I think Night Watch is an amazing book because it both made me laugh out loud and made me cry. I tend to be more liberal with ...

Facebook? Bah, humbug. 1

I actually have a Facebook account. I just only log in to it when I’m extremely bored, because I’ve never had much use for it. And to be honest, while I do like everyone who I’ve friended, I also really don’t care what they’ve been doing in Farmville or Mafia Wars. At this point, I ...